Jobs and prosperity

Food security

Income poverty

&RQÁLFW & security

Energy and water

Part of the answer has to lie in “adaptation” which is rapidly replacing “mitigation” as the main policy tool going forward. Another part of the answer has to be investment in technology (GM included) to to increase productivity and a third element has to include increasing Research and Development funding into “climate smart” agriculture. Climate negotiations in 2015 and thereafter will need to recognise the pivotal role agriculture has to play in both absorbing greenhouse gases (soils and forests) and delivering enhanced food security to nine billion people (by 2050). All in all there is much to do to conceptualise policies that fully respond to the new challenge of creating a sustainable food system in an age of climate change. “Agriculture is being charged with: delivering food and food security to nine billion people whilst at the same time reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions – in a climate that is warming and becomingmore prone to extreme weather events. Just a simple task then...”




The impact of climate change on development goals

Gender equality

Climate change impacts directly on three of WKH JRDOV )URP LPSDFW RQ WKHVH WKUHH DUHDV VWHPV D UDQJH RI LQWHUOLQNHG NQRFN RQ HIIHFWV on all goal areas

7KH WKLUG WKLQJ WKDW KDV FKDQJHG LV D VKLIW LQ thinking from institutional investors which, if LW JDWKHUV SDFH FRXOG ZHOO KDYH D VLJQLÀFDQW impact on the investment landscape going IRUZDUG $W WKH 81 FRQIHUHQFH LQ 1HZ

endowment announced in May that they were selling out of fossil fuel related companies ZKLOH WKH PLOOLRQ 5RFNHUIHOOHU foundation also announced its intention to divest from coal and oil. 6R ZKDW GRHV DOO WKLV PHDQ IRU $JULFXOWXUH" Well, if food security policies increasingly UHFRJQLVH FOLPDWH FKDQJH DV D PDMRU WKUHDW WR food and national security – can agriculture respond to the challenge and answer that WKUHDW $W WKH 81 FOLPDWH FRQIHUHQFH LQ 6HSWHPEHU WKH ´*OREDO $JULFXOWXUDO $OOLDQFHµ was launched that aims to enable 500 million farmers worldwide to practice climate smart DJULFXOWXUH E\ 7KLV DLPV LQFOXGH sustainable increases in productivity (and LQFRPHV JUHDWHU UHVLOLHQFH RI IRRG V\VWHPV reduction or removal of greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of food and QXWULWLRQ VHFXULW\ ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV ² DJULFXOWXUH is being charged with: delivering food and food security to nine billion people whilst at the same time reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions – in a climate that is warming and becoming more prone to H[WUHPH ZHDWKHU HYHQWV -XVW D VLPSOH WDVN then....



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